
The intent of the TheftGuard application is to aid the Vigilance Officers of the Power Distribution and City Gas Distribution Companies to identify and localize occupants with high degree of suspicion to be involved in Energy/Fuel using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, capture particulars of Vigilance Checking Report, collate Evidence, carry out Provisional and Final assessment of Theft, Monitor Recovery and Registration of First Information Report with the concerned Police Station.


The benefits of this application are as under: -

Enables targeted raids by prioritizing inspections with a high degree of suspicion using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms

●Enables localization of suspects through navigation services based on geospatial data

Enables authentication of the location of the suspect and that of the vigilance officer

Enables structured inspections to ensure completeness and correctness of data captured by the inspection team

Enables inspection team to capture and store evidence as statements/videos/photographs to be retrieved later

Stores inspection report/memorandum of seizure safe and secure on cloud infrastructure

Generates provisional and final assessment orders based on provisions of the supply code from the app itself

Grants access to the assessment orders to authorized officials to ensure swift recoveries of theft amount

Provides a dashboard to access suspect list, raids carried, thefts detected, assessment orders, recoveries made, cases lodged

Key Features

Industries Served

Smart Cities

How a DISCOM reduced Losses from 15.15% to 12.73% ?

Read about the challenges, issues faced and its solution